Wednesday 03:42 PM
Wednesday 03:42 PM
Monday 11:26 AM
Thursday 06:59 AM
Sub Total : | $2,847.55 |
Discount (starcode50): | -$476.00 |
Shipping Charge : | $89.00 |
Estimated Tax (12.5%) : | $70.62 |
Total : | $2,531.17 |
An e-commerce dashboard has just that purpose. It provides your e-commerce team with a clear overview of key financial and website KPIs at any time.
Total Revenue
Total Orders
Total Sales
Total Profit
Search Engine (22%)
Referral (34%)
Direct (44%)
Total Orders
# | Order ID | Customer Name | Location | Order Date | Payments | Quantity | Price | Total Amount | Status | Action |
01 | #TWT5015100365 | Marie Prohaska | Germany | 08 Jun, 2023 | Credit Card | 05 | $146.99 | $749.95 | Delivered | |
02 | #TWT5015100366 | Jaqueline Hammes | France | 11 July, 2023 | Paypal | 02 | $450.00 | $900.00 | Shipping | |
03 | #TWT5015100367 | Marlene Hirthe | Argentina | 21 Aug, 2023 | Visa Card | 03 | $147.23 | $294.46 | New | |
04 | #TWT5015100368 | Reagan Larson | Belgium | 28 Nov, 2023 | American Express | 01 | $579.12 | $579.12 | Delivered | |
05 | #TWT5015100369 | Glennie Langosh | Australia | 11 Oct, 2023 | American Express | 01 | $349.00 | $349.00 | Pending | |
06 | #TWT5015100370 | Rickie Cremin | United States | 16 Feb, 2023 | COD | 03 | $89.49 | $268.47 | Delivered | |
07 | #TWT5015100371 | Domenic Tromp | Afghanistan | 21 Jan, 2024 | PayPal | 02 | $739.79 | $1,479.58 | New |
28% of the Goal Reached ($25k)
This Month: $13,741
Total Profit
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